The Square Mirrabooka is located 12km from the Perth CBD.
Carpark entries are located on Yirrigan Drive, Chesterfield Road, Sudbury Road and Farrier Road.
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The Square Mirrabooka offers over 2100 car parking spaces making it easy to access your favourite store. Senior and ACROD bays are located at every entrance and Parents with Prams bays are near the Woolworths, Coles, BIG W and Kmart entries.
Please note, there is a 4-hour limit across all car bays. This allows bays to be readily available. If you shop for over 4 hours and are issued with an infringement notice, this can be appealed through Parking Enforcement Services on 1300 306 933 by presenting your receipts verifying your length of stay.
Mirrabooka Bus Station is located on Sudbury Road outside Entry 6 (near Gloria Jeans). A selection of bus timetables are available online. Visit for more information.
Once your shopping is done, get home conveniently by taxi.
The taxi rank and phone are located outside Entry 5 (near Woolworths) off Chesterfield Road. Click here link to page for taxi rank location.
Ride your bike to the centre and secure it to one of our bike racks located at most entries.