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BBQ Beetroot Chicken Drumsticks

Want to take your Father’s Day BBQ up a notch and add a bit more sparkle to the table? These BBQ beetroot drumsticks not only look beautiful, but they also taste amazing thanks to a veggie superstar: the beetroot. You’ve got to admit, the colour is pretty unbeetable (sorry, not sorry), but the magic doesn’t end there. The beetroot is essential to the flavour and texture of this delicious sauce and it’s packed full of nutrients which will keep those superhero dads in tip top condition!


olive oil

350 g beetroot, cooked and cut into chunks

            equates to two medium-sized beetroots

½ small onion, diced

1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

2 tbsp maple syrup

1 tbsp tomato paste

125 ml (½ cup) passata

½ tsp smoked paprika

¼ tsp ginger

¼ tsp onion powder

¼ tsp garlic powder

20 g (1/4 cup) goji berries, soaked

salt and pepper to taste

8 chicken drumsticks


To make the BBQ sauce, heat olive oil in a pan over a medium heat. Add the onion and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until soft.

Add the smoked paprika, onion powder, ground ginger, maple syrup, tomato paste, passata, and balsamic vinegar. Stir to combine and cook gently over a medium heat for about 5 minutes.

Transfer mixture to a blender. Add the drained goji berries and beetroots. Blend until very smooth then return to the pan. Season to taste.

Continue to cook the sauce over a low heat, partially covered, for 20-25 minutes to reduce and thicken up.

Meanwhile, thoroughly pat dry the drumsticks and season all over with salt and paper. Cook on the BBQ for approximately 25-30 minutes, turning every 5 minutes or so with BBQ tongs to prevent burning.

Preheat grill to 180 degrees. Remove drumsticks from the BBQ and use a silicone brush to apply a thick coating of the BBQ sauce all over each chicken drumstick. Place under the grill for 5-10 minutes until skin starts to become a bit crispy. 

Remove from the heat, serve and enjoy. Use any leftover sauce to serve on the side.


The Meat Giants - Chicken Drumsticks

Mirrabooka Fresh - Beetroot

Woolworths - Onion, Balsamic Vinegar, Passata, Goji Berries, Olives, Crackers, Maple Syrup

Shaheen Store - Spices (Smoked Paprika / Ginger Powder / Onion Powder / Garlic Powder)

House - Dish Towel and Kitchen Tongs

Big W - Mini Bowls